The story of Endy, our Golden Retriever and big dumb dog. He is just the most lovable dog ever, if we were ever to get robbed, he would lick the robber to death. We got Endy nearly 8 years ago, my son was 3. We went to pick out a puppy from some wonderful people and this particular little puppy would not stop following my son around. Really, he picked us, we did not pick him. He was named after the parade Endymion, which was the night he was born on. Endymion happens to be my favorite parade and only one of the two Mardi Gras balls I have ever attended.
Endy likes to be around his humans. He watches us (i.e. begs when we are eating), he picks up after us (i.e. counter surfing when mom turns her back), he has to sleep in the same room as us. Plus, he likes being in the middle of the excitement.
Yesterday, I was attending a wonderful baby shower when the incident happened. My son was skyping with his friend and they were having a pretend gun battle with their iPods (11 year olds are so into it these days). My husband decided to sneak attack them with his iPhone (yes, he has the same gun app) when Endy decided he had to stay in the middle and watch. My husband, did not see Endy, tripped over him and jammed his toe into the floor in order to try to stop himself from pitching headfirst into the flatscreen TV. The toe jam did not work (unless you like foot swollen and black and blue) and he did go headfirst into the TV. Did you know they can shatter? Yes, they can. Under all that soft stuff is glass and it does shatter. The TV did power up but with a very nice pattern that looks like a kaleidoscope. This was the phone call I got at the shower.
My husband was upset about the TV and I all I could think of what his head. Was it hurt? Was he bleeding? Did we need to call 911? No on all accounts - in fact he said his head did not hurt at all. Hmmm, so its official, my husband had a hard head. Endy sat through and watched the whole commotion.
After convincing me he did not have a concussion, I allowed him to go buy a new TV on his own. He came back with a HUGE TV that is 3D capable! I decided he MUST have a concussion because he only came home with TWO sets of 3D glasses. My son and I voted, we get the glasses. What I am going to do with him? I always say I did not get married, I adopted.
Endy is now watching my husband and driving him crazy. Since the incident, he will not leave his side (even though I keep reminding him he is MY dog) and keeps on accidentally stepping on the swollen foot. I love this dog, he keeps us all in line.
Will post pics of him when I get a chance. If you have a chance, hug your imaginary horse today!