
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Maggie update :/

Good news: not cancer.

Maggie is still with us and we are trying to see what we can do to make her feel better. Something is not right but she is at least eating now. They are not sure what was underneath her tongue (I am seriously considering taking her to another vet) but the labs say it is not cancer. The bad news is she still struggles to keep weight on her and keeps on over grooming - I catch her literally pulling tufts of fur out. However she appears to be feeling better since they took whatever they took from her mouth. She may not be with us for a long time but she will is still with us now.

Since Miss Maggie is too good for pictures, Endy is up for his photo session. He promised to be good when he went out in the wet yard; he fibbed.

Have a happy and safe New Year's! 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

When is it time to let go?

It looks like Maggie has cancer under her tongue. She has been losing weight but still seemed to be feeling fine so we decided to book a dental appointment for her. She was not really eating the hard food but the soft food so I thought her teeth might be hurting her. I dropped her off yesterday and got a call from the vet at 10:30 am...I knew that was not good. He said he found a lesion the size of a dime under her tongue. I immediately said "REMOVE IT AND BIOPSY IT!". He then had to explain to me that while he would remove as much as he could, he could not get clean margins without removing her tongue so he would take as much as he could. He said there is a slim chance he is wrong and that it is an injury that is healing...right.


I asked him to please do so and I would talk to my husband. It took the better part of the day to get a hold of him and he asked me to find out when I picked her up if she was in pain.

According to the vet, she probably is uncomfortable eating hard food but if she is acting normally, then she probably is not in too much pain. I got her home and she was so happy and ate like a maniac - poor Murphy moved too slowly and she ate his wet food. For a kitty that was under sedation, she moved and played like nothing had happened. The the hard conversation and the heated debate that Pat and I are currently having. When should she be put down.

If Pat had his way, he would have done it last night. I nearly took his head off. If he had gone to the vet instead of me, he would have done it. We do not know what type it is, is it aggressive or will this buy her time. I feel her quality of life is still good and so does he. So why is he feeling this way? He says he does not want her to suffer at all. I am not for letting an animal suffer but I cannot understand doing it before the suffering occurs. Yes, she was hurting with the dry food but she can eat soft food so the suffering has been alleviated. If she gains weight and is active, why not let her have the extra time. I just don't understand.

He thinks I am being selfish and I think he is being selfish. We have at least agreed to get the results of the biopsy back and watch her eating and activities for the next week. If she shows she is in pain, I am on board with putting her to sleep. I understand how much he deeply loves Maggie and think that is why he wants to do it now. He is her human and they have a connection that is so incredibly deep.

But I love Maggie too. And I would not let her suffer but I do not want to take any days away from her prematurely.

We are both right and wrong in this situation. So the question of the day is: When is it time to let go?

Monday, September 30, 2013

Still here!

But no pictures of fur babies. I suck.

When I have time, you will see them again - and maybe the boy - yes, the boy MUST be included.

Have Patience!

(and hug your imaginary horse)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Time to dream again

There are many horse blogs I follow religiously and FernValley once again is getting under my skin. A new foal crop and now this amazing cutie pie:

WHIAH wants me! 
Actually, she does not get under my skin since I LOVE her blog.

So now it is time to dream. I know a horse is not in my future but this is one dream that I just cannot let go of.

Imaginary horse, I am hugging you tight tonight!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


A2 had not been doing well for a couple of weeks. I think he had swim bladder, which occasionally betas do recover from. I gave him every shot but honestly could not do anything for him. I will really miss him and still look to his vase with the live plants in it. He really was a beautiful fish who graced my presence for 15 months.

Good-bye A2, I hope you are swimming in wonderful seas, happily flashing your colors.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mama's gotta take pictures!

Ooh - bad fur-mama. They have been doing some very cute and funny things lately but I keep forgetting to get the camera!

The boy and Maggie had a talk fest the other night that was absolutely hysterical. Conor would say something and Maggie would intently answer. This went on for a good 10 minutes until we were laughing so hard we could not breath.

Gosh that felt good - thanks Maggie!

Maggie had lost a lot of weight recently and we were worried but a trip to the vet, steroids and antibiotics seemed to do the trick. She is now back to her talkative self, even if we don't know what caused this.

Next post, pictures, I promise!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Husband Guidance

Feeling rather hormonal today...thought I would help out the husband.

Monday, June 24, 2013


Life has so many twists and turns and while this blog will stay dedicated to our animals, we have had some very unexpected news. Conor has been diagnosed with CMT1A (well they suspect A but it won't be confirmed for several more weeks), which is a form of muscular dystrophy. Blah. There are some tranistions that we will help him make since he has lost so much function in his hands but nothing we can't get through. Blah. He is handling this well and is mostly concerned with the loss of his hand fuction - I don't think he has really absorbed what is going on with his legs yet. Blah. He will be 14 in a couple of months. Yeah!

I have converted my other blog to private since I need a place to privately rant and to keep track of the research and Conor's progress. I so admire the people who can hang it out there - I am not one of them. So this will continue to be the animal adventure spot. Just don't be surprised if you see braces on the boy.

This is a different path of the same life. I love that kid so much and am thankful for the wonderful things we do have.

Did I say "Blah"?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tails but no Black Tie

Kind of horsey related but focusing on my cousin's little boy. A is 19 months old and a happy, beautiful boy. Kind of like my little E - I wish I had pictures of them together. My cousin, as much as he tried to avoid it, has found himself a single father. A is with him all the time and I am so proud at how my cousin has stepped up to the plate. He adores that little boy. My cousin and I are more like brother and sister so I feel especially close to his son.

We took him to a fund raiser for City Park, Tails But No Black Tie, that a fun Grand Prix Competition. My aunt jumped but we missed it because her start time was after 8:30 pm.

Goofing around - should we leave the house today?

What ARE those big things? Dada says trust Cousin Dawnie but I am not sure.
Hmmm, I think I will just look right now.

Really? More pictures? I want to watch the horsies.
Look at them jump!

Yes, a good day. I love Dada!

Hug your kids, hug your horses, hug all the fur babies that make your day!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

E in New Orleans

My cousin's precious, newly minted 3 year old! It is funny, my cousin is 10 years younger than me and her daughter is 10 years younger than my son. Things work out nicely.

The two cousins! Conor on the left, E in the center. 
Lunch happily sitting with Dad! The pigtails did not last long.
Beautiful Mom holding beautiful E.
What is that?  
Hello there!
Cousins (neither likes to pose - can you tell?)
Here I am!
Touched it :)
Ooooh! Now it is talking to me.  
My big bug!
Chillin' with the coy.
And that, my friends, was a lovely day. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Bird in an airport!

We just got back from Colorado. Holy cow do I miss mountains! So what does bird in an airport have to do with that trip? Conor and I were waiting for our plane in the Denver airport and the cutest little sparrow suddenly swooped down and sat across from us. Conor and I watched it and it begged for food. It then calmly preened itself and looked happy. I realized that NO ONE was paying attention! Finally, a 3 year old saw it, squawked happily to him mother, who ignored him. It finally flew off and passed within a couple of feet of a man's head, who did not notice it.

It is kind of sad that in this busy world no one would enjoy a bird in an airport. Well, we did.

Picture time!

The three amigos. We have been friends for 40 years! I am in the middle, they were kind to crouch down a bit, I am 5'1", they are 5'11" and 6'. 

Here we are with our boys. Three are 13 years old and one is 11 years old.  

Photo bomb! 

 Conor in the snow! He is still in his air cast but managed well.  

More to come. I am off to see my cousin and her precious 3 year old! 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Moon Phases

Conor came up with a really cool idea for his science project on the phases on the moon. A 3D model where the moon spins around the earth and the sun really lights up. I wish my picture taking skills were better but here it is a dark room:

He took 2 battery operated push lights that we got at Walmart (they were on sale, $4 for 2 including the batteries!), spray painted them yellow, created a moving lever so the moon could circle the earth and put the moon phases below it. It looks so much better in person but I am proud of all the time he put into this. It was supposed to be geared for a 3rd grader that he is supposed to demo it for so this is simple and elegant. Total cost of the project: $12. Gotta love the boy!

How does this relate to animals? Try keeping 4 cats away from it! I had pieces of it drying in the oven, the pantry, etc. I am glad we decided to make it in pieces for transportation and hiding purposes.

Happy week-end everyone! And don't forget to hug your horse (imaginary or real)!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Something a little different

I am still working on my photography skills and just am not making the progress I hoped to make - most of that due to time constraints. The inspiration for this blog was reading other blogs so I decided I would list the blogs I follow.

In alphabetical order:

Brown Eyed Cowgirl Really wonderful information on riding and how to handle horses. I have enjoyed following BEC as she develops her horses as well as her other adventures.

Fern Valley Appaloosas Awesome writing and a very inspirational read. Her pictures are wonderful and the narration brings everything to life. I have followed her for a very long time and often reread favorite posts for inspiration when I need an additional nudge.

Green n Green = Blank n Blue The last time I rode seriously I was in my late teens so I am green. This was the first blog I started to follow and boy was I enthralled. She is so open and a talented writer. She is currently occupied and not riding but I continue to check in on this blog.

Laughing Orca Ranch This is what I wish I was doing. In my heart, I am a country girl, but fate has me working in the city with computers. I love my life but part of me wishes I had stayed true to my country nature. But then again, I would not have my son and husband so, no, there are no regrets. My hope is that when my son graduates from college, hubby and I can move away from the city and have some nice riding adventures. The photography is amazing!

Project Runaway: The Uncatchable Number 257 No words can express how much I a moved by this young lady's dedication to this pearl of a horse. Sometime I wonder if she things I am a stalker but she really is inspirational in her connection to Imogen.

Restoring Joy This blogger's quirky sense of humor won me over immediately. I enjoy following her updates on these beasties that are her children.

The Adventures of Jack & Jill While she does not post any more and uses Facebook, the posts are incredibly witty and absolutely hysterical. I still go back from time to time for a smile.

The Continental Drift: A Piece of a Heart Horse Comes Home This is Imogen's mom who had an incredible adventure bringing Pangea home. Pangea appears more in Imogen's blog as these two girls have become best friends.

Wyvern Oaks I just started following this blog and am already hooked. I am still reading backwards but look forward to additional adventures here.

I often wonder if you are really aware of how many unknown masses you really touch. Thank you for sharing pieces of yourself so freely on the interewebs.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Princess Ashley

I love this cat. She is temperamental but sweet and has the loudest purr. She is also the one of the four that will hiss and spit with the most drama. This is my favorite photo, I think he show her 'tude quite well. She was getting very tired of me taking pictures of her - come on mom, STOP IT!