We just got back from Colorado. Holy cow do I miss mountains! So what does bird in an airport have to do with that trip? Conor and I were waiting for our plane in the Denver airport and the cutest little sparrow suddenly swooped down and sat across from us. Conor and I watched it and it begged for food. It then calmly preened itself and looked happy. I realized that NO ONE was paying attention! Finally, a 3 year old saw it, squawked happily to him mother, who ignored him. It finally flew off and passed within a couple of feet of a man's head, who did not notice it.
It is kind of sad that in this busy world no one would enjoy a bird in an airport. Well, we did.
Picture time!
The three amigos. We have been friends for 40 years! I am in the middle, they were kind to crouch down a bit, I am 5'1", they are 5'11" and 6'.
Here we are with our boys. Three are 13 years old and one is 11 years old.
Photo bomb!
Conor in the snow! He is still in his air cast but managed well.
More to come. I am off to see my cousin and her precious 3 year old!