
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Internet and Animals

There currently is a lot going on in the horse world regarding an abused thoroughbred named Appalachian Chief. The horse is apparently now safe with the new situation held in confidence due to a certain blogger's propensity to inflame the masses. And there are more salvos being fired by those who have been involved with the rescue and those who feel like names should be published.

In all of this drama, my 11 year old son's essay regarding the future is ringing in my ears. His concern is that technology is changing "human relations" and he goes on to describe in 30 years down the road, that "People may never meet their best friends in the future...One day, people may never see anyone face to face in their life." (He also describes a lot of other technological advancements so this actually makes sense).

Which brings me to the current drama. People rallied over the internet for this horse but from what I can tell, there were maybe one or two people on the ground. So is the current fight due to the lack of personal interaction? One of the people in the know refuses to answer another poster's PM because they do not like the poster's tactics. And more blog babble ensues. Would this be happening if they were interacting face to face? Probably not. Unfortunately my son's vision unfolds before my eyes. All I can take "credit" for is posting encouragement to the folks on the ground - but really, can I take "credit" for that? Not.

I am hoping what I am reading about Appalachian Chief is true. Bravo to those who took on the establishment and duked it out day to day. Please remember that the disconnect the internet interaction that is currently going on should not take away from what you have done.

Today - hug your dog, cats, geckos, (gawk at the frog and plecostomus) and of course, hug your imaginary horse.

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