
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Endy's medium adventure

One of the things I love about this house is when we bought it 3 years ago, it was essentially a tear down that we started renovating to make our own. One of the things my husband hates about this house is when we bought it 3 years ago, it was essentially a tear down. That includes the gate to the backyard, that just does not want to stay shut.

Sleepy husband hear's Endy wining: "Huh, you want to go out?"
Sleepy husband trudges down the hall past 3 windows with a view of the gate.
Sleepy husband lets Endy out.
Sleepy husband looks out the windows.
Oh crap, the gate is open.

So Endy got to run around for a little bit. Not a big adventure because he was back at the back door by the time my husband got dressed to go get him. Two of the neighbors were outside talking across the street and we suspect they shooed him back in the yard (embarrassing! got tons of stuff out in the back and this is like the bazillionth time that he had gotten out).

And Endy's medium adventure ends. It would have been a big adventure had he been able to run the street with my husband running after him. Now I need to remember to fix the gate.

On the horsey front, still no horse. Boo!

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