
Sunday, January 6, 2019

Minne, Muphy and Geico

Where have all the animals gone? My house seems to be getting quieter by the day - except when Max is trying to play with Maggie.

Mini aged gracefully and in April of this year, it was time to let her go. It is still hard to talk about  but she had mostly good days until the very end.

Murphy decided there were too many animals in this house with Max and decided to go live with the family that lives behind us. He seemed very happy there and I brought his favorite toys and food. After about 6 months, I noticed he started coming around my house again and was very thin. I started putting food out for him and went to speak with the family to see if there was anything I could help with. Unfortunately they had moved and the house was empty. I continued to try to feed Murphy but one night over the summer, I had a dream of him when he was a young cat and he was there to cuddle with me and tell me good-bye. We have not seen Murphy since so I fear that he has left us.

And finally, Geico passed away last night. She had been lethargic and I noticed she stopped eating. I rushed her to the vet on Saturday with what I thought was an impaction. After the enema, the vet told me that he did not get much out and he feared she had a mass. I left her with him so they could do an ultrasound on her Monday but the stress was probably too much for her. I have her cage by my computer and realized that as I work, I would constantly glance over to her and talk to her. She was such as sweet gecko and I am going to miss her terribly. So will Maggie - she is looking for her now.

We have many changes coming up in our lives and a move to a new city so our remaining three fur babies will have new adventures soon.

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