
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Follower

Holy cow I have a follower!!! I must say, my follower is a wonderful person whom I try to emulate and think, WWDMD?

Tonight: Ashley, the queen of all there is. My baby, she is a rescued kitten. Ok, rescued from my wonderful sister-in-law's posh townhouse...after she rescued Ashley from the bushes at the age of 6 weeks old. Full of parasites. Starving to death. Yeah, my rescue pales in comparison.

Ashley is now a big 6 months old and just had her "I will never be a mommy" operation. Home three days and she still does not understand the concept of major surgery. Or why the other cats do not like her now that she smells like the vets. Who is she kidding, they really did not like her before. Endy does. He wants to smell her butt - she does not like that. She smells different to him and that darned Golden Retriever nose will not stop. At least she gets to kill his tail, which he does not like.

Here she is, my little terror. Attacking feet in the middle of the night, bugging her sisters, killing the tail on the big dumb dog and trying to get Geico's crickets (Geico is the gecko, her name was Zach when we thought she was a boy, then I sexed her and the boy we named her after was not pleased with Zacharella so she became Geico). Yes, now she is going after my fingers on the keyboard. The baby gate is to keep Endy, the big dumb dog, in the back of the house so he does not get on the new sofa in the front (there is one in the back for him).

So thus is Ashely, queen of all there is. Just don't tell the other cats because they think they are the queens of all there is as well. They are probably right; my husband, son and I are just the peasants.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Internet and Animals

There currently is a lot going on in the horse world regarding an abused thoroughbred named Appalachian Chief. The horse is apparently now safe with the new situation held in confidence due to a certain blogger's propensity to inflame the masses. And there are more salvos being fired by those who have been involved with the rescue and those who feel like names should be published.

In all of this drama, my 11 year old son's essay regarding the future is ringing in my ears. His concern is that technology is changing "human relations" and he goes on to describe in 30 years down the road, that "People may never meet their best friends in the future...One day, people may never see anyone face to face in their life." (He also describes a lot of other technological advancements so this actually makes sense).

Which brings me to the current drama. People rallied over the internet for this horse but from what I can tell, there were maybe one or two people on the ground. So is the current fight due to the lack of personal interaction? One of the people in the know refuses to answer another poster's PM because they do not like the poster's tactics. And more blog babble ensues. Would this be happening if they were interacting face to face? Probably not. Unfortunately my son's vision unfolds before my eyes. All I can take "credit" for is posting encouragement to the folks on the ground - but really, can I take "credit" for that? Not.

I am hoping what I am reading about Appalachian Chief is true. Bravo to those who took on the establishment and duked it out day to day. Please remember that the disconnect the internet interaction that is currently going on should not take away from what you have done.

Today - hug your dog, cats, geckos, (gawk at the frog and plecostomus) and of course, hug your imaginary horse.

Friday, November 26, 2010

First Post

I think my name kinda says it all. WishIHadAHorsey, a.k.a. WIHAH (which I think looks cools as well). Ok, what we do have: 1 Golden Retriever named Endy (short for Endymion) known as the Big Dumb Dog (but as lovable as all get out); 3 cats, Mini (51% sweetheart, 49% not-so-sweetheart), Maggie (1001% sweetheart) and Ashley (ruler of the house and all that lives in it); 1 Leopard Gecko who has been with us nearly 5 years; 1 African Clawed Frog named Jumper and 1 Plecostomus named Henry. Normally I would not count what is essentially a fish but Henry is 6 years old, about 7 inches long and survived Katrina in our tank without electricity for 4 weeks. He scared the crap out of me when he moved because I assumed all the fish had died (but apparently they can live on live plants long term). The rest are gone but Henry is still with us. Lot's of time spent on a fish but he is actually that cool.

We used to have a Jackson's Chameleon but the stress of Hurricane Gustov was too much for him. Or I should say the evacuation to our evacuation house farther inland when Gustov dropped a tree on the friggin' house. Would also love to have another Jackson's Chameleon but until we live in a place where you don't need to evacuate, only the hardy animals will stay (yes, Henry stayed home and was just fine). 

Lots of back stories on all the animals but that will come later. 

Missing: 1 horse. Used to have one from ages 8 to 17. Loved them both but do not have time for one (yet).