
Monday, September 3, 2012

Animal Perspective

We are home safe and sound. The trip to Arkansas was very tiring but I was glad we evacuated because my mother's house was without power. We have minor damage to our house and fences - nothing we can't fix ourselves so I feel very blessed.

Now - for the animals input on this:

Endy - a.k.a. the Big Dumb Dog

I went to Arkansas with Mom, the boy and a couple of other adults. At first I was not sure about the trip but it was fun! The fences where we were were low enough for me to jump so a human had to be with me the whole time. Doggy heaven. I tell you if it weren't for me, these humans would have been freaking out. They finally learned that petting me and spending tons of time with me during a crisis keeps them calm. I know that there is this training for horses called Parelli, so I think will call my human training program Endymi. In Endymi, you train the humans to pet and give lots of treats and show them that they do much better when they are with their dog 24 hours a day. I think there should be 10 levels and my humans have made it to level 8. I am glad to be home and will continue my humans' Endymi training while at home.

On another note, we stayed in a hotel-thingy on our way up. There was this really freaky small room that we would go in, the door would be closed by ghosts and then when the ghosts opened the door, we would magically be somewhere else. I never want to do that again!

Mini - a.k.a. the Queen of all there Is

Hurricane, smircane, what is everyone's big deal? I went to Baton Rouge with the other cats and stayed at my grandparent's house. It was so good to see grandma, she pet me and let me stay in her chair.
It was very nice but I could do without the 1 1/2 hour drive.

Maggie - a.k.a. the Sweetest cat alive

It was horrible! I was cat-napped, thrown into a tiny jail, jiggled around forever and then in a place I vaguely remember. I too much noise so there was this sofa thing and I got in it - Ashley was on the other side. But then I snuck out of the room we were supposed to be in and found another sofa thing and hid there. Mom and Dad could not find me, it was funny to listen to them tear apart the other sofa thinking I was there! But then they found me and threw me back into the tiny jail and jiggled me around again. I am home but I may never forgive them for this...wait, is that a treat?

Ashley - a.k.a. Princess Ashley

Horrible? Maggie does not know what she it talking about. Hell on Earth. We get there and I think they are friendly humans. I start to come out to visit and suddenly there is a huge pain in my tail. The really big man-thing stepped on my tail! Hissed and hissed and let them know that they needed to put that man-thing down. I found the sofa to get in and Maggie would not let me in on her side so I was on the other side. It was awful. Even the boy said I lost weight once I got home. I am going to write my Congressman, this was completely unacceptable.

Murphy - a.k.a. Murph the Smurph

Yea, I am with everyone else on the jiggly jail thing but this was pretty fun. I got to meet Grandpa and Grandma and I don't know what Ashley's big deal is about Grandpa stepping on her tail. She is such a princess - luckily Grandpa played and played with me. I got to meet all kinds of people there and was happy when Mom showed up. My only complaint was they would not let me out - it looked really cool and familiar out there - like I had been there before? Oh well. I am with Mini, those other two cats are drama queens.

Geico and Jumper

After much discussion, Mom decided to leave us since her trip was going to be so long and Dad was staying so close. Mom gave me tons of crickets and Jumper tons of blood worms. And do you want to know what the best part was? We never lost power in our homes! I know Mom had to leave because of her Mom but I think everyone would have been better off if they stayed here. The only thing that worries me is that I know she will bring us again if the storm is bigger. Either way, we were the best off here!

Me - Yes, leaving Geico and Jumper was very difficult but I was able to get enough crickets for Geico that I thought the best thing for her was not to be moved around. Jumper is so big now and getting old for a frog, I really did not want to lose him.We evacuated them for Gustav but we it was only a 1 hour drive, this time around I had to get Mom to Arkansas. She cannot breath outside this time of year so she literally needs AC 24 hours a day. I could not take the chance of staying here even for "just a category 1 storm" (ha-ha, Isaac surprised us all!). It was the right decision because while my house kept power the whole time, it was a fluke and my mom's house did not get power until Friday. My street and the streets on each side of us were the only ones. They are calling us the freaky pocket. Too bad we can't rely on that for the next storm.

Anyway, we are all safe and sound and I will start to help my friends who were not so lucky and flooded. La Place, who figured THAT would happen.

Later gater!