
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Endy is out of Recovery

Quick note: Endy is out of recovery and he did really well. The vet was very optimistic about the things and we should know in a couple of weeks if they are benign.

We had a good talk about the inability to hold his bladder problem (I love this vet - he deals with my thousands of questions with grace). Since the blood work came up good and there were not crystals present, the vet gently told me that Endy is getting older and sometimes they just have to go more. That made me feel better though I am still worried about his losing 12 pounds (move than 10% of his body weight) and decreased appetite.

One thing at a time; I will pick up my baby in 3 hours, 51 minutes (yes, counting minutes) and get him home where he belongs. I am going to pick up new clippers from the pet store tonight so I can fully shave him since right now I just clipped him with scissors around the affected areas - or basically his whole back end. My focus will be keeping him comfortable and then we can see how he does.

So drama mama needs to get back to work - just so happy we have a vet who knows me well enough not to hang up on me!

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